How To Make a Claim

It is imperative that you get in touch with your agent or broker a soon as practically possible so that we can work with you to minimise the severity of the claim and to work with you on the next steps.

In the event of a claim, here are some guidelines as to the initial steps you can take, along with your duties as an insured under your policy. Full details can be found within your policy documentation.

  • Do what you can to prevent more loss/damage and recover lost property
  • Don’t discuss or try to settle a claim before you’ve spoken to us
  • If loss or damage is caused by malicious persons (e.g. thieves, vandals, rioters) contact the police immediately and obtain a claim reference number
  • Review your policy documents to check what is covered and what excess is payable.

When you get in touch with your agent or broker, they will ask you some details, so it is helpful to have as much information accessible as possible. Here’s what we will ask for:

  • Your personal details
  • Your policy number
  • Any details relating to your claim
  • A crime reference number, if the loss or damage was caused maliciously
  • Any supporting evidence you can provide, such as photos, or reports.

It is important that you tell your agent or broker about about your claim as soon as possible.

The First Notification of Loss must be made to your agent or broker and they will liaise with us on your claim.

For more information about claims, please contact us at

Yacht Claims

  • Ensure the safety and protection of you and your crew using the known emergency and safety practices considered prudent.
  • Take reasonable steps to minimise, mitigate and prevent further loss to your yacht or other property.
  • Report the incident via email to your Agent or directly to LMIS ( without undue delay, allowing insurers the opportunity to appoint and instruct a surveyor to assess the loss and/or damage prior to any repair or removal. On receipt of your email, your Agent or LMIS will then send a claim form for completion.
  • Delay in notification of a claim may result in a claim being rejected as this will reduce the insurer’s ability to properly assess any loss or damage and could prejudice the insurers position.
  • A minimum of two quotes should be obtained for any damage.
  • Please advise the appropriate authority of the loss and its circumstances, particularly in the event of the involvement or fault of a third party.
  • Do not discuss or try to settle a claim in terms of liability or responsibility before you’ve spoken to your agent or directly to LMIS.
  • In the event of the involvement or fault of a third party, you must give prompt notice to them and hold them liable for losses.
  • Please always fully co-operate with us in all aspects of the investigation, defence and settlement of any loss.

For more information about yacht claims, please contact us at